The Power of Activated Humic/Fulvic Acid teamed with Solu-Cal Soluble Calcium in a dust-free pellet. Features & Benefits Contains 6% Activated Humic/Fulvic Acid; OMRI, CDFA, WSDA listed 32% Solu-Cal Soluble Calcium 9% Plant Based Organic Acid Economical delivery of Activated Essential Carbon source to stimulate and improve soil microbiology Promotes super aggressive seedling turf Turf Rate: 200 lbs. / acre (applies 11 lbs. humic acid / acre) Ornamental, Annual, Perennial & Rose Planting Rate: 10 lbs. / 1000 Shrubs Rate: 2 cups broadcast around root zone Large Caliper Trees Rate: 5 cups/caliper inch broadcast to drip line Container Transplanting Rate: 6” pot 1 tablespoon, 1 gallon pot 2 tbsp, 5 gallon pot 4 tbsp Soil Mix Rate: 25lbs / cubic yard